
Asshole doctor Does Harm by leaking medical documents to Chris Rufo, is now charged with 4 felonies. (Calling this guy a “whistleblower” and Rufo a “journalist” are some good examples underscoring just how detached from reality this entire ecosystem is)
DOJ charges Texas doctor after he blew the whistle on gender-affirming care for The Department of Justice filed criminal charges against a surgeon who exposed Texas Children's Hospital for secretly conducting gender-affirming care on minors.
I clicked, so you don’t have to. Searches with the doctor’s name and “” has no results. Indictments with press releases are often found there, suggesting DOJ hasn’t done a press release on this one. All the sites that have articles appear far right.
So this, combined with his having raised $340,000 for his legal defense fund, maybe point to him being one more right wing grifter?
Those student loans won’t pay themselves, Kristi. Especially when his party keeps complaining about student debt relief.