

Deeply deeply deeply disturbing official coaching "education" to help "grow" women's rugby. I strongly suggest you both provide feedback to @WorldRugby and attend the virtual conference in April about player welfare. passport.world.rugby/coaching/coa... #rugby #womenssports #misogyny
World Rugby Passport - Coaching Women and Girlspassport.world.rugby
Incredibly disappointing that this isn't getting settled out of court. It's almost certainly a sign that we don't have the money to do so. Our continuing engagement with CiSG and their internal pimps in the rugby ecosystem needs to end ASAP. www.irishtimes.com/sport/rugby/... #Rugby
Five Irish players involved in concussion lawsuit set to appear before the UK’s High Courtwww.irishtimes.com 5,000 pages of medical records submitted ahead of proceedings on Friday
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