
Absolutely! If we remain united, we are an unstoppable blue tsunami. Never doubt the power of Democratic honesty to prevail over Republican lies.
🥺😡Wow! And people are in self inducedangest over what we have ALWAYS known- Biden is old. Why we elected Biden - VP HARRIS. But he gets stuff DONE. President, hard stuff. Not jokey, stage lie stuff. We need to circle the wagons. Stiffen our D spines. Have Joe's back like he has had OURS. 😘🫂💙🔥
MSM is making the noise and 1 77 yr old Rep - plus 2 rookies who have no national campaign experience whatsoever 🙄. The only guy who should leave is unfit Trump. Campaigning & SERVING far different. Trumps best day, he cannot be seriously compared to Biden's worst People smarter than MSM
Agreed. But to be fair, not all MSM is so biased. IMO, it's wrong to discount all MSM. It's still one of many valuable sources. The specific story we're discussing is definitely biased and inaccurate.