Kutlu Akalın kutkut16

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Kutlu Akalın kutkut16


Palaiologan coat of arms with Four Betas βασιλεὺς βασιλέων, βασιλεύων βασιλευόντων “King of Kings, Ruling over Rulers” Now at the Patriarchate, which apparently comes from Tekfur Palace - the so-called Palace of the Porphyrogenitus www.thebyzantinelegacy.com/porphyrogeni...
I do spend a lot of time at a university, & I can assure you that governing boards & most high-level administrators absolutely would replace faculty with AI (or anything else cheaper & more pliant than us) in a heartbeat, if they think they can get away with it.
“If you spent time at a university you would know that nobody at a university would try to replace teachers with ‘ai.’” You are loud and wrong on the internet, but you’ll have to find somebody else to argue with.
“Sainte Sophie” from Ignatius Mouradgea d'Ohsson (1787)
Duo Milites Martiales : Two Soldiers of Mars
16 Temmuz’dan itibaren Muğla’da Klasik Diller Yaz Okulumuza çağırıyoruz:
congratulations, you played yourself
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