
This is the shit I’m talking about with Jill Ellis. This is psychotic behavior and a bonkers thing to do to one of your players BEFORE A WORLD CUP FINAL. Ellis is irredeemable. NWSL San Diego Wave
Jesus, I totally forgot about that. She needs to be gone from the sport, not just the Wave.
And just today, two former staffers (including the one making the complaint that made news today) revealed that they were contemplating self harm as a result of what they endured there.
Saw that from Jenny and Brittany earlier, we have been discussing it in my ACFC SG. Just awful shit all around. Ellis’ immunity from accountability has to end.
I have some idea of what they went through, because in my first job after college, I endured a year of intense emotional abuse from my boss (in an office with 4 employees… including me and the boss). That New Year’s Eve I almost ended my life because I couldn’t take the abuse anymore.
Fortunately I didn’t, instead quitting and moving back to Virginia and going to grad school, which completely transformed my life.
I’m so sorry you went through that. That’s awful. I’m glad you were able to get out of that situation, but ugh, awful.
Thanks, I appreciate that. It’s funny how in some situations we can’t see any way out and then suddenly it opens up and seems obvious. But I meant to empathize with them not turn the attention to me 😬. Emotional abuse is abuse and can be devastating, so I believe Jenny and Brittany.
Yeah that’s why I was horrified when I learned the Wave hired her to be president.
The fact they silenced the Sirens when it was announced she joined….they gotta clean house & do it yesterday. There are clearly enablers in leadership that are creating that same culture Alex Morgan said she wanted to “fix” in the docuseries re: abuse/Yates report. Also makes the Stoney firing worse
Yeah that was horrible (and a big red flag!). It’s all a shitshow at this point.