
When you’re so eternally online that you become an arbiter of all things left while fascism is marching through town, maybe go outside for a while.
If you want to completely ignore your "allies'" flaws until you split up, maybe you'd be happier with the unprincipled fascists on the right wing. She's wrong and tone policing anti genocide protests.
I really can’t with this anymore. Saying “long live October 7th” isn’t a tone any reasonable protestors want to strike. Keep attacking progressives until all you have left are your crusty ass presidential choices you have now.
Imagine thinking the left has anything to do with presidential candidate choices. The capitalist gerontocracy doesn't care about leftists.
Also, AOC fell for NY Post lies that claimed the entire protest chanted something on a single person's sign, a Naturei Karta member in attendance. Democrats are genocidal freaks istg