
The Vibes today are Very Bad and if you're out there mansplaining fascism and its ills right now after ignoring our warnings for years, I hope you have an even worse week than my own
Planning ahead for 7/4 when my big dog will be anxious as can be (fireworks) and for the foreseeable future where I will be
❤️awww. Hope he does ok. I used to make a bed in the closet for my one cat who was a bit freaked out. It never bothered the other ones, but it was quieter for her in a closet in the middle of the house.
Sadie is a huge fur baby but now has a cool quiet space. Big 4th display downtown is far enough away but sounds like thunder & is over quick. The random pops & booms from neighborhoods is what puts her on edge (for me it’s the gunshots)
The gun play is an issue for everyone, but especially for pets and vets. It’s awful. Not sure what kind of an asshole thinks this is ok. (And hope I’m never around them. )