
We need to have a serious conversation about if Biden's too old to run, then Boomers are too old to vote. There are age limits for young people voting, why not just set the limit at 65 at the other end?
'I can't see any difference between Trump and Biden'. Well, luckily for you we live at a time when there's less stigma around cognitive impairment, and we're aware now it would be cruel and stressful to force you to make a decision like that.
I sometimes joke that you should not be able to stand for election until you are 60 (which likely gives you 15 good years) but you can't vote once you are 60 (to stop the reps from just voting for massive pensions etc.) Yes, it's a terrible idea, but compared to many others?
This is my response every time someone crows about Labour wanting to change the minimum voting age to 16 in the UK - why not have a maximum?