Lance Weber

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Lance Weber

I get to play with space vehicles every day.

Nerd: Tabletop Games, Computer Games, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Cooking, Cocktails

Professional: Tech Leader, Software Development & Architecture

Amateur: History, Science, Politics
wife: "what kind of tree is that?" me: "do I look like I rolled a druid for this campaign?"
Joined Bluesky later than I usually chase the new shiny. Social media fatigue was a thing, also wanting to be judicious about another dopamine time trap, and of course my inherent laziness "Ah let someone else do the early adopter hard work for a change". Reading this made me realize They Get It.
Bluesky’s Stackable Approach to Moderation - Today, we’re open sourcing Ozone, a tool that lets a team of moderators or curators collaboratively review reports, create labels, and inspect content on the atproto network. Later this week, we’re op...
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