
The Wolf King (from ORCS! The Gift), a lil thread… Here was my original go at Nebesnyvolk, but I didn’t like how similar he looked to Hrogragah in stature. They didn’t look like they played off each other well.
I went through a round of designs where I made him a bit younger. Tried to give him a Sesshomaru vibe (but in keeping with the design style of ORCS!, so more medieval European type hair).
None of those felt regal enough, but I did like a head shape from a scribbling session, so I worked that out into something.
I finally ended up here, after a bunch of redraws where I refined his shape into something more basic and straightforward (and not too complex to draw a million times).
I could probably do a whole separate post on his outfit, but I’ll save that for a Patreon post.