
Screw it, a thread about why this particular version of one of my notps is bothering me so much. First, again, if you like it, ignore me. Ok, so my main problem here is it's playing with one of my least favorite trope in romance, love triangles. They almost never work+
Rarely pulling things off in a way that doesn't feel cruel to the one who's not chosen. Like if they're are going the route it went in an alternate future comic, leaving one to die, only for him to not and find out you chose the other one😐+
So, having a major plot point not be born from the original series, but from fandom knowledge of the wider IP doesn't sit well with me. Unless there are extensive flashbacks, it's going to feel forced imo.+
And I get that X-Men is melodrama (that's partly why I don't read the comics), but there's ways to do it without it feeling like you just did it for fans/because it's a reference to a thing from comics. Not everything from comics is good.+
I also can't shake the feeling that it's fully going to go there and have them be endgame because why else introduce it. Unless it's for one or more characters to be sad when a character dies, and again 😐.
And last but not least, I have no problem with age gaps in fictional relationships. But this one comes from an era that felt/feels way to self insert for my taste. There were so many "older guy/young woman" relationships in the 80s-90s comics and none felt earned to me+
Just the writers wanting drama/pining after the characters they liked with one's they identified with. Again I have little evidence for this, so it's a highly personal read. But it's a factor in why it doesn't work for me.+
Don't go there so don't know anything about the stories or characters, but can relate; not a fan of love triangles either, so I can imagine your frustration & disappointment if this trope is inserted into something you really enjoy(ed)
It's a compounding of things too, like a lot of mutuals are very happy about it, which sucks. It's the 6th time it's happened in a story I like in the last 10 years. And I've not been in a good place emotionally on top of it all. Just a perfect storm really.
Yeah that's a bummer for sure. Hope there's something else out there that you can find which can bring some joy/fun
Me too, and thanks for putting up with my complaining
Venting is vital to mental health 👌
I really need to do it more, I'm always afraid of being mean. But holding it all in has a greater chance of making me say something really rude in a spur of a moment, probably