
Humanoid helldrop drone abandoned on a planet with medieval tech, make friends with a local village who pulls them out of their smashed drop pod. Without orders, begins to self-actualize who they are, what they are, and why they fight at all.
Mercs from a free company fighting in some war come by, demanding supplies and succor from the locals as they're wont to do. The people are farmers, craftspeople. They can't fight soldiers! The only back that doesn't bow is the drone. They don't know how.
They know how to fight with pulse rifles and mag-nades, but those were lost in the pod crash. But on the bright side, their strength and reaction times are superior to human norms, and they're forged of a metal alloy centuries ahead of what's possible here. They'll make do.
Catching a sword on the downswing and snapping it apart with its three-fingered grippers.
"TAKE YOUR ARMOUR OFF AND FIGHT ME AS A MAN." "I'm not a man." "YOU'RE're not? What are you? Devil? Spirit?" "...I do not know."
Anyways. THE IRON KNIGHT "Isn't this the Iron Giant?" No some dudes are getting their fucking clocks cleaned.
I love space stuff crashed on fantasy worlds ever since playing Star Ocean Second Story way back when. I can't wait to run a Starfinder have where the players crash on Golarion or something.
Isnt this the plotvof dragon ball