
My segment on CBS News last night. Listen to what Trump is saying. He says he wants to be a “dictator on day one to drill, drill, drill.” We cannot afford to have an arsonist in the White House — let alone a dictator. The climate stakes of the Presidential election could not be higher.
Where Biden, Trump stand on climate change as U.N. 2024 could be the hottest year ever, according to a new prediction from the U.N.'s weather agency. Leah Stokes, associate professor of environmental politics...
Great interview Leah. Scaring people about the terrible economic impact of transitioning off fossil fuels has been effective misinformation, but the more we transition the more the narrative is exposed. Keep up the excellent work!
Thank you, Leah! If you care about the future, be sure to vote this November and urge like-minded friends and family to vote, too.
I hesitate to say this but the rise of Trump exposes an existential weakness of democracy itself if it doesn’t exist in concert with an honest media and an electorate with at least a modicum of education.