
They want you to believe AI is the Borg (TNG): absolutely unstoppable, getting stronger with all they absorb. When it's actually the Borg (Voyager): absolutely incapable, ruining stolen fragments of better things, can be defeated by the most elementary verbal tricks.
Captain Kirk would get Chat-GPT to explode in under a minute.
The tragic thing is that Kirk's strategy wouldn't work because GPT does not give a shit about truth or contradictions. It will say directly contradictory things one after the other and be incapable of even perceiving a problem, never mind doing something as useful as exploding
Spock:"Captain, you cannot defeat irrationality with rationality." McCoy:"So, that's it? We just give up?" Spock:"Emotional outbursts avail us nothing, Doctor. No problem is insoluble, given sufficient thought. Mr. Scott, beam 10 bricks of C-12 explosive 14.2 meters to our north." (Screen shakes)