Christian Lech

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Christian Lech

Social Services Career Trainee at Illinois Department of Human Services. UIC graduate with BA in Political Science. He/Him.
As someone who has come to believe that history very much has rhymed throughout human civilization, I increasingly worry the United States is going to become to our times what Nazi Germany was to the 1930s and 1940s, complete with both ending up in complete ruins by the end.
I'm posting this to let out that the more I have thought about it, the more I think there is a harmful defeatism regarding Project 2025. Will a second Trump term and Project 2025 make things much worse? I agree. Will that 100% mean a long term right wing authoritarian rule? Not necessarily. 1/?
Disney just released a video urging shareholders to vote for the company's preferred nominees for board members featuring Ludwig Von Drake:
In regards to what happened in Argentina yesterday, all I'll say is that I wouldn't be too shocked if at least a semi-successful communist or socialist uprising or election happens in a few years.
What has been happening in Israel and Palestine has been ugly and could easily get uglier. On one side, Hamas, an organization that has repeatedly espoused antisemitism and which has been in de facto control of Gaza for over a decade, has slaughtered and kidnapped civilians.
To introduce myself to this platform, here are some photos I took for high school graduation.
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