Leena Kuusniemi

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Leena Kuusniemi


Data protection and privacy lawyer, loves cooking, books, movies, distinguished drinks, blues & classic music, hiking, skiing and travel. Servant of a senior tuxedo gentleman.
People used to think an encrypted web was impossible. But billions of SSL certificates later—and with help from EFF's Certbot!—it's a different story. Support fearless public interest technology today.
Support Free Public Interest Technologysupporters.eff.org Certbot is part of a growing number of Electronic Frontier Foundation technology projects made for your freedom online. Your support funds EFF's public interest legal work, activism, and...
Some of my acquaintances (that I thought had more sense) have been posting rubbish about USA illegal immigrants voting. I knew it was nonsense, but did not know this disbelief has been circulating over 100 years. I guess facts are boring?
Conservatives are warning about noncitizens voting. It's a myth with a long historywww.npr.org The false notion that undocumented immigrants affect federal elections has a long history. But this year, due in part to rising migration at the U.S. southern border, the idea could have new potency.
Changed elderly relative’s password and PIN-code, despite resistance. Password was 12345, PIN 1234. I hope none of you brilliant people clever enough to join this platform, use these, same for past 20 years: 123456 123456789 qwerty password 12345 qwerty123 1q2w3e 12345678 111111 1234567890
We are electing our next president today, for a 6 year term. Some think that more important election was yesterday evening, when our entry to Eurovision Song Contest was chosen ;)
You cannot exaggerate the amount of data that is collected from you. “of 709 volunteers who shared archives of their Facebook data, Consumer Reports found that a total of 186,892 companies sent data about them to the social network.” www.consumerreports.org/electronics/...
GDPR fines Top11 2023: 1. Meta Ireland -€1.2 bn 2. Meta Ireland -€390m 3. TikTok -€345m 4. Criteo - €40m 5. TikTok - £12.7m 6. Axpo Italia -€10m 7. TIM SpA - €7.6m 8. WhatsApp -€5.5m 9. EOS Matrix -€5.47 fine 10. Clearview AI -€5.2m penalty 11. Spotify -€4.9m fine source: skillcast.com
Skillcast | Delivering Compliance Successskillcast.com Skillcast helps you achieve regulatory compliance empowered by compliance e-learning, bespoke intelligent learning, RegTech tools and an award-winning LMS.
I deleted my Twitter account the day I read that their Legal, Compliance and Security had basically walked out.
If you can’t beat them, join them! With record cold weekend, you can use ice as building material, for your sauna yle.fi/a/74-20067986
Finally here! The year 2024 started with grim news for data breach victims of 23andme genetic and ancestry data “service”, as the company is blaming its customers aka end users techcrunch.com/2024/01/03/2...
End of feed.