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For: M4A/ Unions/ Solar/ Rail/ Bike/ Urbanism
“The amount of money Dutch cities spend on cycling often seems extravagant to outsiders, but it happens because they view each penny as an investment in a happier population, less congested roads, and a public realm where people want to spend money”
Before and After: - Remove car parking - Fully pedestrianize- walk/bike only - Resurface, install lighting - Install trees & playground - Higher Quality of Life Saint-Denis Canal 19th Arrondisement Paris, France
“Amtrak's new Twin Cities-Chicago route through Milwaukee turns a profit in first 11 days”
At an absolute minimum, cute protected bike lanes like this on every street
Bikes have won the war when the Tour de France, Turin Stage, finish at the Lingotto Fiat Roof Test Track IN TURIN!
Before and After: -Remove highway & all car parking -Fully pedestrianize, walk/bike only Results: -Gorgeous promenades -Reduced infrastructure costs -Massively higher Quality of Life Seine River Paris, France
In Iceland, 93% of workers are unionized. Look at the hellish society all those union workers create:
Paris School Streets initiatives: Providence Street Left: Before and After - Remove all car & motorized traffic - Expand sidewalks, install benches - Fully pedestrianize- walk & bike only - Maximize safety, higher Quality of Life Right: One year later 13th Arrondisement Paris, France
Before and After: - Remove all cars & general use lane - Expand sidewalks, emplace bike lanes - Fully pedestrianize- bike and walk only - Business jumps off, higher tax revenue - Higher Quality of Life & safety Duphot Street 8th Arrondisement Paris, France
Before and After: - Remove car parking- left & right - Remove one general use lane - Expand sidewalk, emplace bollards - Put in trees and benches - Higher Quality of Life & safety Andre Brechet Street 17th Arrondisement Paris, France
5 parking spots become 3 parking spots and a home: Los Angeles
Happy Father's Day to me, bike infratructure pics as gifts,...closing this out. Mainland Eurovision, bring it! Nice, those pics are "Mos(t) De(l)f(t)",....uh, get it? Ok then, you're welcome! Happy Father's Day Bsky! Pretty nice home here
Happy Father’s Day to me, now give me some bomb ass bike lanes,… Minneapolis is first up,…Go!
Nice try, if you don't put up bollards or physical barriers... they'll still hit you
Build more fucking housing, good God. These rent seeking anti-development jagoffs ruin everything. No housing development greatly stunts about any type of development. How can you have entertainment, music, art, and life on 4-5K rent?
$2,500 in rent for a rusted RV? The rise of San Francisco's vanlords - The San Francisco People living in RVs and trailers on city streets find themselves at the mercy of police, parking control officers and profiteers alike.
Urbanism of Madison, WI: Bus, Walk, Bike only street and pedestrian area
US Urbanism- Walk, Bus, Bike, Rail Davis, California
Before and After: - Remove car parking- both sides - Expand sidewalks, emplace bollards - Install trees & vegetation - Higher Quality of Life Joseph Dijon Street 18th Arrondisement Paris, France
Urbanism of Cincinnati
Transporting the most important cargo- Dogs Dogs in and on cargo bikes
Government making ppls lives better: Separate protected walk and bike lanes, bus pickup -Cheaper and healtier transportation options -Increased physical safety, higher Quality of Life Place de la Concorde 8th Arrondisement Paris, France
Bike parking in Europe: "Two keycard entries to get here and you still can lock your bike to something."
Teamsters on Jeopardy
Before and After: -Fully pedestrianize- walk and bike only -Remove car parking, widen sidewalk -Add bike parking, vegetation & trees -New businesses, higher tax revenue -Higher Qualiy of Life Manouchian Group Street 20th Arrondisement, Paris
Before and After: -Eliminate two-way general use lane -Bike and walk only one-way -Expanded pedestrian area/sidewalk -Drastically increase pedestrian/bike safety -Higher Quality of Life Saint-Jacques Street Latin Quarter, Left Bank 5th Arrondisement, Paris
Before and After: -Remove car parking on street and general use lane -Expand sidewalk/terrace -Install bollards, trees, and physical barriers -Higher tax revenue, new cafe and businesses -Increased safety for adults and children -Greater Quality of Life Versigny St. 18th Arrondisement Paris
Before and After: - Eliminate general use lane & all car parking - Install two way bike lanes, physical buffer & pedestrian walkway - Install trees, vegetation, water/flood mitigation -Safe Walk & Bike -High QOL Meaux, NE Paris Mayor Anne Hildago home run
Reposted byAvatar PTK
If you ever doubt the impact of bicycle infrastructure on quality of life, simply take an early ride on a bike path and count how many strangers wish you a good morning. Compare that to how many other motorists flip you off when you're commuting by car.
Before and After: -Remove car parking and one lane of general use -Install two way protected bike lanes -Area flourishes, people spend money -Higher tax revenue, lower health care costs -Substantially higher QOL
Before and After: -Remove car parking and one lane of general use -Install two way protected bike lanes -Area flourishes, people spend money -Higher tax revenue, lower health care costs -Substantially higher QOL
Charles Leclerc wins the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix. Proceeds to bike home,... nice Bikes keep winning