Lefty LouLou aka San Portablo girl.๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ

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Lefty LouLou aka San Portablo girl.๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ


Left foul mouthed feisty welsh girl. I don't take well to liars or those who see my kindness as a weakness, that's when bitch mode is activated. Love my dog . Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, you'd better run
Minister for shiny balls.
Bore da. So slippery sunak had a bitch fit and cancelled his meeting with the Greek pm. The parthenon stones should be returned to Greece where they belong.
315am bang on the dot the picture of my late father with his sister and father fell off my mantelpiece. Freaked me right out
Happy with a point at the Etihad today. Trents goal was superb ๐Ÿ‘ well done lads.
I will happily take 1 all against city right now. Yes my bets down but stuff the money I'll happily take a point right now.
Big game for Liverpool today. Can they hold off Man City and I'm being spoiled as the Newcastle game is on later as well. Full day of football happy days
Bore da on this very cold welsh morning. Winter has finally arrived. Cwtches with madam rose Lee and box set binging are all thats happening while I wait for a parcel.... again
11 poxy days I've been waiting for my electric throw to snuggle with gypsy on the sofa. Evri has had it for 6 days and it's still being processed. Tempted to shame them on twitter but I will only use Groupon now as it's much better service
Bore da. Took some advice from Paul and Em yday and I've got a 930 appointment. Shall let you know what they say. Hopefully it 1 of thr nice 1s
Here he is. The thickest lush man won't make same mistake again. Let's welcome him back xx
@mikeog.bsky.social has been a stupid boy and accidentally deleted his account. If you followed before please follow again and if you're unsure give him a follow vox he's hysterical. He won't be a twat anymore
Bore da you gorgeous group of people. Have a fabulous tues. I don't know if it's the 2 antibiotics I'm taking or whether my new antidepressant is doing what it's meant but 2 nights in a row having 8hrs unbroken hasn't happened in yrs and I feel better for it.๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
Blocked this charmer. For twisting words and thinking he's insulting myself and other of by calling us lefties. Off u fuck huw
Elon calling his space X rocket blowing up a rapid unscheduled disassembly has me weak ๐Ÿคฃ so it blew up then
3 weeks ago I got flashed by a speed camera on a local road but no fine has yet come through, any chance I've got away with it?
Bore da. I am alive just smothered with a cold or flu. Normal service in the shiny balls party will resume soon xxx
Anyone with skills to make a logo for the shiny balls and cock up party? Feel free to be risquรฉ
Rt honourable members of the new named shiny balls and cock up party. I have formed a coalition of utter chaos but we get the chaos. Sue had just been appointed minister for kicking tory arse.
Can I be the minister for Tory MP arse kicking? Presumably I can claim steel capped boots on expenses.
Job opportunity within a new political party. The Shiny Balls Party has a throwing sticks for dogs minister and other such important roles like McVey Common sense. We now have a dog whistle vacancy that is a positive whistle that will piss of the right wing. Who fancies a job?
We need a minister for dog whistling then if we are going to go down that road
Minister for naps has suggested nap time now. So off for a disco nap.
Just settling into my first of the day now. I plan 3 by the end of work at 5.
How funny would it be if the shiny balls party became real and we took a tory seat. During PMQs lindsay hoyle saying "now a question from the right honourable member of the shiny balls party " We'd have member and balls in 1 sentence ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I'm so juvenile.
Profile updated. I am now officially minister for shiny balls. What will you be minister for in my new cabinet? I will select 8 of the best replies to form our own government. The shiny balls party.
Bore da. I have decided I will now be known as the minister for shiny balls (disco 1s don't be rude)
Is anyone taking duloxatine? If so is feeling worse, drowsy and not quite with it normal in the 1st week or so because I couldn't take this unless it's night time. I could never drive myself anymore put it that way.
Esther McVey has been appointment minister without a portfolio but is basically minister for common sense. How fucking stupid do we look as a country
Well fuck me sideways. Greg hands has been sacked as well according to that other site. Andrea fuck you jenkyns submitted a letter of no confidence in sunak. Grab the popcorn ๐Ÿฟ guys this could get interesting....fast
Part 1 Thank you so much for those who donated. Just wanted to let you all know if I don't reach the amount for a full eyelid surgery then I will meet with am aesthetic nurse or cosmetic surgeon and ask what can be done to improve my eye area and possible lower face gofund.me/acfb7715