
I'm beginning to think Alina Habba might not be a good lawyer.
Are you just saying that because your second cousin's uncle's neighbor's barista's ex-girlfriend once worked at the same law firm as the judge? That's a mentor relationship if I ever heard one?
Careful, don't want to get accused of liberal bias 🤣
But she saw one on TV. Or she saw A lawyer on TV. Side note, did something ELSE happen recently with her since you made that video?
Just watched your nebula video on trump's trial. I'm so happy you finally abandoned Twitter and I wish more content creators on nebula would. Also I love that your last 3 videos all featured different lawyers I hope this becomes a permanent sort of thing (whenever it makes sense for a video)
I've said more than once that The Orange Guy can't really choose from the top lawyers in the country anymore, he's burned too many bridges, and most lawyers are smart educated people.