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gamer, pet mom, homebody
probably talking to myself :) tumblr.com/lemon1608
I have been making a lot of food lately! Good food with lots of veggies (and occasionally a lot of cheese) I made a chicken poblano soup today to use up a lot of leftovers and it came out so well I made a dessert bread but all my blueberries sank to the bottom of the batter while it was baking????
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Im going to work on myself until i see results, then im going to keep working.
Ate the wrong lunch and now im too tired to workout ๐Ÿ˜ซ
Some people really don't want to give up their ideas about you
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A nice little water feature just out back
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The wind rustling through the leaves on a cool spring afternoon
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A blanket not quite closely woven enough to stop the stronger shoots of grass from joining your picnic
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An open field encircled by trees
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Grass wet with morning dew
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Idle chatter of five year plans and visions of worlds left to the forging
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This isn't our parents' summertime. And this is the best it will be for the foreseeable future - I don't think that we can put the toothpaste back in the tube. We could, however, stop squeezing the damned thing.
Everyone's moon looks different. I'm glad you reached yours.
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Bird weather should be relevant. I want ornythologist on the morning news talking about the birdcast.
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Feeling much better. I ubered to the grocery store and back yesterday, so I am fully stocked on food for the month. About to make a healthy breakfast with all my fresh veggies. Playlist is picking out some good songs this morning. My friends are super chatty on all the apps. Things are bright today.
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Need to email admissions still ๐Ÿ˜ซ
Made a cheesy veggie omelette and some bacon for my preworkout meal. Now to sit and smoke a bowl while digesting. Also need to strip the bed so I can wash the bedding. I love my pets, but I don't love washing my sheets every other day because they're summer shedding right now ๐Ÿ˜…
Sorry, apparently im cranky this morning and feeling like i dont have any space
My boyfriend wants sex way more than I want sex ๐Ÿ˜ซ can't get any fucking privacy around here because of it Always him "catching me" changing or he "needs something" from the bathroom while im showering And then he sees me naked or half dressed and starts making comments ๐Ÿ˜ซ Just want some peace ๐Ÿ˜ซ
I decided it wouldn't be entirely selfish to disappear for a handful of days. I turned off all my active statues, muted notifications, set up away messages, and im writing down what goals i want to achieve with my 5 days off. (I picked Monday-Friday this coming week to be dissapeared)
All of a sudden hes sending snaps of a pizza he made. Like he didnt just ignore me for 2 days. I replied because im not trying to perpetuate things but also wth ๐Ÿ˜’
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"Are we still friends?"
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need to be bent over a countertop rn
My friends list is just a bunch of people who turned off their active statuses. A compilation of offline names to message and never hear back from.
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Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
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I might not do anything remarkable but i think im okay with being a spectator while im here on this earth
Playing gtav online and 2 guys are beefing in lobby chat. One said to the other "dont be mad at me just because your girl is my side grip. Shes my little grip. I call her my lil gripinator" I cackled so hard. The guy was an asshole but that genuinely got me good ๐Ÿคญ