Echoes of Echols

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Echoes of Echols

Housing and land are a right, from the river to the sea.
Motaz photos. He’s quite the talent. Never forget to engage in humanizing the people being harmed. Even our attention at a distance through a screen is abstraction - until we recall that beyond the regalia and language, these ppl are just like us. Striving. Caring for kids. Seeing friends. Sharing.
This book is excellent. Might be a little above the average online chud, but you’re not like them are you?
How the Israel-Hamas feed is still full of people trying to downplay the genocide is perhaps not surprising given what it would do to one’s mind to suddenly have the denial evaporate. An eight year old girl has died of starvation. She was predeceased by her brother who died the same way.
Avatar he claims to be a scholar, and says things like:
Talk about living your stereotype 😂. A Zionist who in the same bleet is denying the genocide AND complaining about high prices in all caps. No wonder so many Jewish folks hate Zionists; they’re the living embodiment of every trope!
Is it just me or is it weird that the Washington Post bsky puns its own hollow warning tagline? Can’t tell if the sm manager is bitter or if some high-up cynically thought it would be funny.
Alan Dershmershowips has threatened to leave the democratic party.... Also Alan D: "Statutory rape ain't no thing."
What’s up? Oh we’re playing pick your fascist? Great! Are they under 80? No? Even better. The ones with lead poisoning from childhood are the most depraved.
Wanna play a game? See how many ways this “reconstruction” analogy fails to hold up! The sides and their current power, the players, the abduction, the race riots, the fact that this account I’m almost certain just IS a white-suppy sock puppet claiming to be antifa. It’s wild.
This is what blocking aid trucks is doing. This is what Israel is doing. No nation has a right to exist. People do. Children do. Don’t you dare look away. Don’t you dare minimize.
This was Calgary in -15°C. It was inspiring to see so many people showing up in the cold and terrible roads.
Found an article from the ADL in 2018. Notedly the “anti-defamation” folks used some rather careful language in order to smear without expressly engaging in libel: “raises concerns” chef’s kiss mud slinging.
End of feed.