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Leo/Leem/Leogorrus 📚 A leogorrus is a type of bug 🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲 millennial (derogatory) 🍵 he/him or they/them or anything if camp

Peeved, baffling white forest-liker academic in the UK. Walking embarrassment

@leogorrus at various places on fedi
Reposted byAvatar Leem
what this is really showing me is that we need to make a social media where everyone is assigned the same display name
*paints ur Corten steel*
What really makes this a brain worm for me: microplastics get listed alongside global warming & long covid. Those are proven on a massive scale. Hard to express how far the harms of microplastics are from that point. People are being mislead and will feel betrayed someday by this
There is no evidence that microplastics are harmful to human heath or the environment #TT
There is no evidence that microplastics are harmful to human heath or the environment #TT
welcome to the New and Improved™ Trash Tuesday! hit me with all your brain worms and tag ‘em with #TT so everyone can find ‘em
Reposted byAvatar Leem
non-binary people don't owe you blow
learned too spell brooch today
i have seen two people separately imply that you aren't really supposed to reply to people who don't follow you on here. I get that being overfamiliar is easy to do and important to avoid. But if this is that literally the solution that operates here. That would be more mastodon than mastodon
Im sorry for subskeeting but the 'if you're paying for Superbowl ads instead of housing the homeless then you read the wrong book' post really annoys me. The implication is that stuff isn't in the new testment. It's in Acts and Epistles!! I dont even have a point im just being pedantic
End of feed.