Leonardo Carella

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Leonardo Carella


Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College (University of Oxford). Former minor twitter celebrity. https://www.leonardocarella.com/
(Every time people on this website go apeshit because the NYT didn't phrase a headline in tones that are sufficiently alarmist about Trump, I'm reminded that Biden leads 70-21 among people who get their news from newspapers. Maureen Dowd is not your media problem.)
Nine years ago, the US reached a milestone agreement to take Iran out of dangerous isolation and give it a stake in a more secure Middle East. Many actors are to blame for getting us here, but those who pushed to tear that deal apart must bear political and moral responsibility.
A’ight that’s the best one I got.
Another top tip from someone “in the know”: the NYC skyline looks best from a tall building, like the “Empire State”. Look it up! 😉
Another awesome NYC spot off the beaten track. Top tip: save the museums for a rainy day - no one will have though of that!
I don’t mean to sound pretentious, but I’ve just found this cool niche tourist destination. Truly a hidden gem.
As a postdoc, I can sympathise with the urge to consider alternative career paths.
Kennedy School postdoc was planning a coup in his wartorn homeland but didn't realize his arms dealers were really federal agents, feds say #Harvard #SouthSudan www.universalhub.com/2024/kennedy...
One of the tragedies of politics is that, with the promise of publicity and public service, it attracts personality types that crave to be liked and admired; but, as a largely despised career choice, it's comically unsuited to fulfil those needs.
Imagine time-travelling back to November 2022 and showing people this headline.
I have an ongoing project on electoral systems and intergenerational inequality, and here's a *very preliminary* finding.
Just realised the thing I like most about Bluesky: There are lots of academics on here but GIFs don't work.
I understand that Taylor Swift’s boyfriend won the rugby. Good for him. Everyone’s got to have their own little thing.
(Is anyone else getting a ton of Manga content on the “Discover” feed since Bluesky’s reform and opening-up?)
"Shitposting" is an anagram of "top insights."
Rules I live by: 1. There's never a good reason to use onions when you can use shallots. 2. There's never a good reason to use lemon juice when you can use lime juice. 3. There's never a good reason to use chicken breast when you can use chicken thighs.
100% serious I would totally vote for whomever Taylor Swift tells me to.
Bill Gates’, Mark Zuckerberg’s and Jeff Bezos’ wealth is obscene but not inconceivable: their companies changed the way billion of people interact in fundamental and lasting ways. On the other hand, Elon Musk really breaks not so much my faith in, but rather my grudging respect for, capitalism.
I am in a really bad place with work so I guess a productive, fulfilling and rewarding way to spend my afternoon is trying - and failing - to get my office wi-fi to work.
This time next year there will be more Conservative factions than Conservative MPs.
Extraordinary anti-incumbent environment: 🇳🇿 Lab down from 50% (+24) in 2020 to 27% (-11) in 2023 🇳🇱 VVD+D66+CDA+CU down from to 50% in 2021 to 27% in 2023 🇬🇧 Con down from 44% (+12) in 2019 to ~25% (-19) 🇩🇪 SPD+GRÜ-FDP down from 52% in 2021 to ~31% 🇨🇦 Liberals down from 33% (-1) in 2020 to ~26% (-14)
Train back to Oxford stopped at Bicester North station. 50 people left to their own devices at 12:30, in the rain.
Our first British Politics Election Year seminar TODAY. From Austerity to the Cost of Living Crisis: What do voters want from government spending? w/ @lucycbarnes & @AnnelieseDodds Join in person or online 3.30pm: www.nuffield.ox.ac.uk/news-events/...
I was very proud of how I mended the hole in my coat’s pocket before realising I’d sewn my AirPods inside.
In the coming months, we will be fed endless nonsense about the economic roots of populism, inequality, yada yada. Worth reminding that this is the context of the Presidential election: the US experienced the largest reduction in wage inequality for 40 years. www.nber.org/system/files...
The defining trait of Gen X is musical snobbery.
Note to self: do not refer to him as “Macron’s twink” out loud.