Your ol' pal Les McClaine

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Your ol' pal Les McClaine

Everyone's favorite all-American boy

Artist of Books of Clash, Old Souls, the Tick, the Middleman, Jonny Crossbones, Highway 13, and I'm sure some other stuff
Popeye's first words, carved into Olympus itself to remain eternal in human memory: "Ja think I'm a cowboy?"
Veronica has had it with these sheltered yokels. As soon as she graduates, she's out of this town
hell yeah brother
this image contains the best drawing of Piggy that has ever or will ever exist
“I know you are but what am I”
I think I've got my new portfolio website pretty much finished. If you've got a sec, could you let me know if anything's broken or weird for you?
they keep "discovering" things on the moon that Tintin found in 1954
Why is practically every Columbia UHD that I've looked at lately practically unwatchably grainy? I returned the Ghostbusters one and replaced it with a 1080p Blu-Ray it was so bad. In the Line of Fire was bad but bearable. What are they doing over there?
My cat jumped up on the arm of my chair, purred, rubbed his head against my cheek, and then sneezed boogers all over my laptop screen
President telling us about lowering the temperature/we all need to be better is like when that one asshole bully in school starts trouble with kids minding their own business and the teacher lectures everyone about getting along makes you shake his fucking hand.
I just realized I don't know where my physical drawing tools are
I put a leash and harness on my cat and took him outside while I have my coffee on the front porch and he has immediately disappeared into a small shrub
Weird that the media's only using the trump shooter's first and last names. Assassins usually get the ol' three-name treatment
I was gonna sit down and watch a movie but instead I spent an hour and a quarter fighting with Plex after the most recent update prevented it from being recognized on my local network when a VPN was active
folks oughtta spend more time at target practice
sure it sounds good, but how many homeless people are with singer John Legend at any given time?
Huh, saw a headline that used "which" where it should have used "who." This is a first for me-- usually I see people using "which" where they should be using "whom." I get it's language drift and all but using "which" when referring to people feels alienating and dehumanizing to me.
YouTube keeps suggesting these videos that are like "John Carpenter's Vampires Explained" and I have this knee-jerk reaction of "oh, you think I'm an idiot who needs a movie explained to him? Go fuck yourself" and tell YouTube to not recommend those to me any more
Got a commission today I'm pretty jazzed about. Probably gonna be offering some more of those soon
Sometimes I'm looking at older work (this is from 2017) and I think maybe I'm not so bad at this after all
I gotta stop thinking about politics and go do some web design all day instead
Newsom is all artifice and smarm and used to be married to Jr's girlfriend. Harris is a charisma vacuum who campaigns worse than Clinton. Biden sucks but he's the best we've got! We had many opportunities to change course but now we're locked in.
Of all the strategies that are certain to beat trump, this is the absolute surest one, I bet
the time to replace Biden on the ticket was march 2020. There was a second opportunity earlier this year. Time to suck it up, hold your nose, and vote for him
Yesterday I took a drive up through the mountains in Washington. I got some good pictures off the Trout Lake Highway.
posting on reddit because I don't know what a fox is
I've been watching French genre films lately and now I have a crush on Bérénice Bejo
for portfolio day, I'm going to work on rebuilding my portfolio site I nuked when Tumblr decided to sell all my work to ai companies
spending five or six years settling into a constant state of disappointed, but not surprised
I bet Joe Biden could beat me 1 on 1 in basketball, to be honest