
In a week’s time 14 yrs of Tory rule may have ended. There’s a view that Sunak could have done nothing to stop it, post Johnson/Truss. Wrong. Sunak is as responsible as they are. From No11 on, his strategic incompetence damned his party. Me for the i.
Rishi Sunak is as much to blame for Tory debacle as Boris Johnson and Liz His inheritance was dire, but he was key in creating that inheritance
Good to see you back on here Lewis!
He learned his lesson well. No lie is demeaning to his party or too blatant not to be backed by their media
Are the “moderate” wing really doing this? It would seem obvious Sunak is inept but his incoherence should allow all wings to point and blame. Defending him seems a sure way to lose the upcoming internal fight? The whole party is still blaming the symptom for the cause though.
Or may have baked itself into the UKs demise with help from data harvesting & disinfo micro-targeting. Just like brexit. Is this how Nige & his donors will ‘win’ too?