
In today's media critique: Last night CBC Radio 6 pm news was wrong about the UK election on every count. No, a wave of voters did not rush to vote Labour. Labour vote share barely increased. What happened was that a terrifying chunk of Tory voters switched to Farage's far-right Reform...
Some Tory voters also voted Lib Dem, even tho Keir Starmer's Labour already occupies the same mushy right-of-centre, fauxgressive spot. And no, CBC, they didn't vote Labour because they preferred Starmer's "centrism" (right of centre) to "what came before" ie. Corbyn. Again, numbers didn't change.
The entire CBC broadcast was an attempt to argue that Starmer got votes because he moved far enough to the right & far enough away from Corbyn. False. It was Tory voters who either switched to Reform or Lib Dem or stayed home. Meanwhile, Corbyn won his seat as an Independent.
CBC, your review of the UK election results was madeupical
ICYMI, here's the actual votes vs. seats won. You can see how many Tory voters decamped for the even-further-right: Bec the UK too has a version of First Past the Post which gives them unrepresentative govt and condemns them to a duopoly:
NOTE! 5 Pro-Palestine Independents were elected to the UK parliament, including Jeremy Corbyn. *** And 4 of those 5 constituencies had previously been Labour *** ... in case anyone tells you it's not possible. cc #bcpoli #cdnpoli