Alex 🏳️‍⚧️ ΘΔ 🐺 (aka lightling)

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Alex 🏳️‍⚧️ ΘΔ 🐺 (aka lightling)

//; Alex, 24, they/them/therian, 🔞
// Webdev by Day; +Composer+Artist by Night
// Technoskeptic, NoAI, Assigned Top At Birth, All Cops Are Terrorists
// pfp: (banner: Whisker Squadron); DMs off
That Australian sun is no joke! Summer '24 bandit ☀️
was thinking about jrjresq's pic of wolf o'donnell in pink striped socks with a crop top that says c++ & maybe doing like a series w/ different species & clothing matching the color scheme of the language then i remembered bill gates posing for win1.0 release & had a genius idea: Me w/ Linux Mint
Morning Eyes
I Connected My Dick And Balls To My Moog One - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
ESO needs more slutty clothing from what I can tell the most revealing they have is the Crimson Oath Jerkin with some Argonian Guards. (Sai Sahan's Jack is the next closest top which I have unlocked thankfully) hell just let me hide the armor slots like you can with shoulder guards/helmet tbh.
neck/chin hurts like hell but i got a lot more hair off with sugaring. last week got my cheeks/upperlip redid (which has already thinned out from doing it another time several weeks ago), today did lower cheeks/outer neck and chin. chin is for some reason still super hard but i got like 50% of it
finally got off my ass and moved my notes off a personal "notes" server on discord to a combo of markdown notes and image references in my nextcloud server. gosh it's so nice just having actual somewhat-sorted image folders and just a handful of markdown notes instead of a ton of unsorted messages
Anthro maned wolf and anthro husky both male cuddling on a couch
what is it with unity games using FMOD that keep picking the wrong audio device on linux lmao
i keep forgetting threads even exists. i've never seen anyone unironically use it who wasn't the most normiest of normie. aka no one i would ever interact with. i don't think even my own coworkers use that dumbass site LMAO.
Personally I don’t trust any of these user moderation lists because while on one hand it’s fine to block for any reason, “I don’t feel like figuring out if this person really deserves this block” isn’t really acceptable if you’re recommending it to hundreds of people
Think this might help the bike run better?
in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
Koi Fish + Dragon
Mikey’s first pride event!!
#ToriArt Decided to paint it! Nothing like a bed full of Good Boy to remind me about what matters
Definitely not a coincidence
time for head on this site too
Large breasted trex men
walmart started carrying cherry RC (thought it was new but it's apparently been around forever) and it's pretty... decent? i avoid carbonated beverages cuz it's rough on my stomach and HFCS cuz it's too sweet and texturely weird so it's a little hard to tell lol
i was today years old when i realized you can FUCKING CLICK IN `HTOP`??????
for a while there, reddit was still at least somewhat useful for tech stuff in this discord-era of FOSS (i.e. people replacing forums with discords that I refuse to join on principle), but lately it's becoming more and more of this
Shall we go to bed? ~