Charlotte M. ✨️ 🦋

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Charlotte M. ✨️ 🦋

Willow/SW/Rebels/LOTR enthusiast | Here for Reylo, Graylora, Tanthamore, Sabezra | Lego builder, hiker, uncommitted fic writer in my spare time 😂 29 she/her
I'm having big feelings with nowhere to put them 🥲
Chapter 9 is up 💚 #reylofic #reylo I Know What I Have To Do by likemyfather_b4me -
I knew it would be like this but 60ish pages in and every second not spent with Bryce kinda feels like a waste of time 🫠 overall enjoying it but I kinda want to skim to get to the good stuff
In a better place (and I'll have my work desktop at home soon) so I'm hoping to pick this up again in the next week or so 💙❤️.
Haven't been online much and it's been peaceful! Mostly reading the Throne of Glass series and watching through the Friendship Onion episodes. Would like to have the creative spark to start writing again but I just haven't gotten there yet.
If you think your social life is lacking, I only just now realized that this app doesn't have DMs because that's how little anybody talks to me 😂
Trying to regain some normalcy, so here are my last 4 completed books. They were all incredible, Fourth Wing has taken my brain over in a way nothing has in a WHILE.
This whole situation is so fucking frustrating on top of everything else. Sitting at home waiting for info instead of being with my sister. Can't take my bereavement because we don't know when the services will be.
We lost my brother in law yesterday in a hunting accident. My sister was shot through the arm, but she is going to be okay. They have two 1-yo daughters he's leaving behind and my sister is going to have a hell of a time alone with them. Any bit helps #mutualaid
It just doesn't feel like anything will ever be okay again
We lost my brother in law yesterday in a hunting accident. My sister was shot through the arm, but she is going to be okay. They have two 1-yo daughters he's leaving behind and my sister is going to have a hell of a time alone with them. Any bit helps #mutualaid
Thought up two other things I *really* want to write but I don't have the capacity to focus on multiple fics at once 🫠😂
Should get some type of news about the final interview either today or tomorrow (?) I'm so nervous, I just want one job 😭
I have a job interview in a few hours for something I REALLY want but I've been at this so long that I physically can't conjure up any optimism that I might get it. What's wrong with me 😭 I've been doing this job for 7 years, but no matter how well I think an interview goes I get passed over.
Finally got to one of my most anticipated reads of the year (and my first audiobook). Sooo good ❤️🖤
Missing OUAT tonight. The scripts may have been weak at times, but the romances and family connections were so real.
I have a job interview in a few hours for something I REALLY want but I've been at this so long that I physically can't conjure up any optimism that I might get it. What's wrong with me 😭 I've been doing this job for 7 years, but no matter how well I think an interview goes I get passed over.
Just finished another 💜 now what to read next?
Rewatched episodes 5 and 6 of Willow today at work and wow, this show literally never gets old. Back in a headspace where it's the only thing I can think about.
Kinda want to watch Mando S2 😳 while S3 was airing I kinda thought I liked it better, but I'm pretty lukewarm on it now. Love having Bo around this season but I don't particularly feel like rewatching it anytime soon.
Chapter 6 is up 🧡 can't believe I've written this many chapters of a thing 😳. #reylo #reylofic
Feeling ✨️awful✨️ today, inside and out 🥲
The best sight to come home to 🥲 #thehurricanewars
I love it here ❤️ but dang I miss my dog. 2 more days 💕