
I started reading A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES because an acquaintance who I would like to become a friend was really enjoying it. And I'm kinda enjoying it too but wow is it clunky, self-serious, and oddly paced so far.
I realize this is rich coming from someone who loves Mercedes Lackey, but I imprinted on her style of over-explaining at a young age. Also, she has a sense of humor
That said, I am enjoying it, even with the silliness, even though I'm not sure the author is in on the joke. It smacks of someone indulging herself, and that can be very fun
I want to hear what you think of the second half when you get there!
Yeah I'm only about 100 pages in!
I made it about 50 pages before the epithets and mid-conversation infodumps got to me. (Seriously: stopping in mid-dialogue for a 500-word explanation of how the characters met is Not The Way.)
Also, potentially important information not revealed until 100 pgs in, also mid-dialogue. Also POV problems in all the non first person settings "Hamish knew that Matthew thought vampires, witches, and daemons were going extinct." Sounds important? But then much more romance than dealing with that
Also epithets, very true. Why would our heroine think of the love of her life as "the vampire" and not his dang name? Back when he's a threat, sure, but later???