
There are times when people express a desire not to vote, and while I might disagree, I can understand. This, on the other hand, isn’t even an argument. It’s incoherent in many ways. I disagree with it, but it’s also inept persuasive writing.
He begins with “it’s pointless” because a single vote won’t change the outcome (which on a local level isn’t even necessarily true!), and then deals with “it matters when lots of people do it” by saying “I’m not responsible for other people.” It’s sleight of hand, pure sophistry.
I’m a Georgia voter. Every vote matters, even on a national level.
What I’m saying is that it is literally and simplistically true that in national races, your one vote if you consider it completely individually, which you should not, will generally not change the outcome. But that’s a nonsensical way to think about voting!
When people are broadcasting, “Voting doesn’t matter,” if 100k people across the nation don’t vote, it can change the results of a national election.
Also, look at who the message is coming from. These rich, white, cis het, Christian men aren’t bothered by the right-wing agenda. They get their Christo-fascist state and tax breaks if Trump wins. If Biden wins, they’ll pretend they weren’t backing the right-wing agenda.
You do not have to tell me this! My entire point was that this op-ed is awful and makes no sense. We absolutely agree about whether people should vote!
Totally agree. I just think we should look at the people who aren’t voting and assume they will benefit by Trump winning. If they are rich, white, cis het dudes, they will benefit. This describes most of the pundit class shitting on Biden.