
This Nats game is now essentially two hours old. It’s the bottom of the fourth. It’s 13-5. There has already been a rules issue over emerge the ball is out of play if it’s sitting on the ledge behind home plate and nobody can find it.
Meanwhile, I went to a game yesterday that ended in 2 hours and 4 minutes.
Yeah, the pitch clock can’t do anything about 18 runs scored (and many left on base!) in the first four innings.
You've been in DC longer than the Nats, I think. Are you a Nats fan or do you have older allegiances? I can't quit Boston but it's been 40 years since my Mass days, and although I enjoy a good Mets game it's just a substitute.
I love reading your recent baseball reporting. I'm from Germany, where baseball is not really a thing, except...turns out it is, in a very small way, and my kids now both play (t-ball and our equivalent of Little League). It's a very tight-knit community since we're so much in the minority 1/x
(pretty much all other children play soccer), it's a lot of fun, and while at the beginning, I knew nothing beyond how there's a bat, a ball, and bases, I am now understanding more and more. A year or 2 ago, I wouldn't have understood any of what you're saying, but now I feel like I actually do! 2/2