
Every time you make fun of trump for his fatness, you tell every fat person that their body is bad, and tell any kids in the vicinity that they better not be fat or their bodies will be bad too
Thinking about this skeet, and the first reply... it hits me that it's just better all around to focus on the actual problem and not lean on comparisons that impugn a person's humanity, period. I mean, no demon or monster of any stripe has done a lick of evil in this world, that I know of.
Yep, and the more a person connects that fatness to the actual bad things about Trump... a lot of people seem to think that makes it better when it actually exacerbates the problem?
Fashion choices, however, are always fair game. In fact I'd argue that fashion is probably the most worthy of mockery but it's always a reflection of that person's judgement. Fucking cellophane tape on his cheap ass giant tie motherfucker.
I mean, maybe? Trump, who's rich, can get whatever he wants tailored to fit or created from literal whole cloth. But that's a weapon that can also too easily be turned against marginalized people, especially fat people, who are constrained in choice by companies willing to be associated with us
Also, if you can't think of a non-appearance-based comment on the person, then maybe your issue is with their appearance and not their actions
No. Fashion choices get deployed against women, fat people, poor people, non-white/non-N.Am. people, genderqueer people, old people, children, etc. etc. TALK ABOUT THEIR ACTIONS.
Ditto for making fun of him or Biden for the way they walk or possibly being incontinent.