
The problem, as always, is that the U.S. system is uniquely bad among wealthy democracies.
The people pointing out that nobody can do anything unless Biden decides for himself to step aside are 100% correct. That's the problem.
Other wealthy democracies: Bad leader? Have a vote of no confidence and toss them out. U.S.: You're stuck with this guy for at least four years no matter what. It's called freedom.
Not quite, in fact that's what so many in the GOP are counting on. If they can become VP. Then once they're in office push Trump out as mentally unfit. They can become president, without being elected. Just like Gerald Ford.
Ford was an unusual case. Anybody with powerful advocates had strong detractors, and Ford's name kept coming up, and he basically got it because nobody really objected, despite the fact that he had no strong advocates either.
Very much the same way Mike Pence became Donald Trump's running mate. Nobody had a viable objection. Which is the problem with every single one of the media's candidates for Donald's running mate. They won't be liked by Donald. Donald doesn't like suck-ups. He likes loyalists.
After Pence refused to break the law by doing something way outside the bounds of his constitutional powers. Problem is anyone who would do that is potentially a threat to Trump himself.