Lisa Borne Graves

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Lisa Borne Graves

Big things come in small packages
📚English Lecturer✍️YA speculative romance novelist📄Editor♾️Neurospicy household
📘Glimmer preorder link👇🏻
And just when I felt like I can make the ADHD 🧠 focus on one WIPs a at time, last night I dreamed an awesome detailed scene for unexpected new WIP. Well played 🧠, well played. #adhd #authorlife
I should be editing client’s book, but instead I’m revising my book (draft 2) and have 1 chapter to add and a couple that need a few additions. At 84k already for contemporary YA romance 😬 #adhd #authorlife #amwriting
The best part of doing events is when fans search for you the next time for the newest book and compliment you until your cheeks hurt from smiling.😊 Makes me work harder so they’ll have that next book pronto. #authorlife #books #authors
Exhausted with a 2nd day to go but had a blast and sold a lot of books today at local seafood festival. Sold out of my omnibuses (entire trilogy in one bound book). Some pics before the too-busy chaos. #authorlife #bookevents #books #readingcommunity
Gave myself a week after work ended to unwind and do nothing. Diving back into editing and working out this week. Gotta slay 3 manuscripts to get back to my own writing, but helping others’ improve their writing is my calling.
“Love” when I reread a shelved book I submitted to publisher and upset myself with the villain’s words at the end that ACTUALLY were said to me by a stranger in public. My CPs thought it was over-the-top, too much 😭
Number 1 this morning, baby! Get it while it’s free! Number 1 this morning, baby! Get it while it’s free! #mythology #fantasy #free #ebook #freeebook #sale #booksbooksbooks #booklovers
Yesterday’s meeting with publisher showed I was so close to hitting 3k of downloads during my free promo! If you like mythology, less spicy romance, and depth, snag a free copy so I can break it before Wed. ❤️ If you also have a promo, post below. Need summer TBR list.
Available now at your favorite digital store! Quiver by Lisa Borne Graves
Launched the last book of my Greek god series—with Zeus as the villain. To top off my night, sudden thunder storm with tons of lightning. Think I might’ve upset him? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Love reading but have a tight budget? My ebook QUIVER is FREE on Book Cave Deals for a limited time! Get it while free you can! Other talented authors too! #bookworm #bookbooksbooks #readersgonnaread #free #freebooks #ebooksale #ebook #authorlife #mythology #romance
Interested in a FREE ebook? Callie doesn’t believe in myths. Archer doesn’t fall into love. When she unravels his godly existence, how far will they go to be together? #readingcommunity #reading #booklovers #greekmythology #romancereads #readers
#momswritersclub How do I BlueSky 🤣 Not finding anyone.
Things to Expect: -Monsters. -Immortals. -Greek Mythology. -Epic Battles. -Lot of World Building. -Magic. -Death. -Portals. -Realms. -Found Family. -Family is not DNA. -Forbidden Lovers. -Friends to Lovers. -Sapphic Vampire/ Werewolf. #WritingCommunity.
New here. I’m Lisa—author, editor, English Lecturer, special needs mom, and ADHDer.
#momswritersclub #writingcommunity #authors I have arrived in the sky. If we follow each other elsewhere follow me here—or new friends and readers are welcome.
End of feed.