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Twitter refugee. Proud lifelong lib Democrat. BLM. MexiJew. Gun control NOW! Border refugee advocate.
Living in Blue San Antonio, the Blue Burr on Tx red azzz. Love animals.PROUDLY WOKE AF 💙KESI, KSYM radio DJ
Thanks to my sweet KEEZ for this valuable tool that condenses Project 2025. Like wise Keez says- "knock on doors- let them see it- ask which of these bad ideas affects them most " Love KEEZ !😘💙💙💙🫂
Think THIS segment but transcript not transcribed yet. But audio. Note the ...connection? to today's" All Things Condsidered" Just guessing at red noted segment however Not patient to register as listening Sci Fri. Hope this helps!😘
San Antonio DIY hottub/ pothole science
Let Sleeping Foxes Lie- Especially tired & hot Mama Foxes!
Here's what storm looked like before it hit. Sun shining as normal now. Seems ATT & other carriers spotty besides Spectrum Tx outage
This is Ford 's 1st supermodel- Carmen Dell'Orefice at 93. Mom's BBF's cousin. She came to see me when I was born. But the point here is she is STILL a working model. Yes, runways, too. Age is just a number- truly
So wierd to be ITCHING for a fight! Now I know how Demon Dog Doris feels!
SAN ANTONIO is ready, Babe!
Yeah Buddy! SAN ANTONIO IS Biden/Harris country!!!!🤩🥰😍💙💙💙💙💙💞
Before I took Odin at 2 yrs - & had him fixed- he had already sired pups. Look at how Odin sleeps- and his baby girl sleeps same way! Fortunately- all his pups were homed
This was how skinny Odin was when he came to me. He was all legs & head!
Odin's Birthday! Happy 3rd BD, Buddy
My phone is crappy... My makeup melted... And blue hilighting nearly gone. But here's the short do
My sage plant FINALLY bloomed!
Never, ever put your blue heeler girls in dresses! They resent it. No- not Doris. My thanks to Jay Isner & his buck wild heeler- Maya!🥰😍🤩💙💙💙💙💙💕
Good Thursday to you! Here's a fox update from my friend who works at the headquarters where these guys have found a home. Enjoy your day!🥰😍🤩💙💙💙💙💙💕💙
I have Doris & Odin- both rescues...then a feral kitty, Jerry Mewis. Did have a coop & Guinea fowl family of 4- but hawk took each one. Had them 7 yrs.
Odin sleeps on his own bed. He is a BIG boy!!!
Here's screenshot. X search didn't bring him up for me, either. But when I MISS you...I go all out to try to FIND you if you're still publicly posting.
Jules- is THIS better? For shirt?
Dermocreme.. $30!!!
Austin hasn't been Austin in 20 years. When our DA / City used funds to transport women safely back & forth to NM for Healthcare choice- they refused to do same
I see u deleted it, but here's more about SA to back my facts
I was truly touched by his ability to9 communicate ( he always tries to understand everything I say to him) to ME that he grasped crisis of moment- & was ready to do whatever I wanted him to do. Amazing breakthru after 1.5 yrs.
Crossing that highway- old fashioned highway right off interstate exit- was scary for me- terrifying to watch your dog. And Doris is small. Barely 30 lbs ( heeler small)
For your Tuesday- here's some cute Egyptian ducks that city workers had to "re - route" for safe passage via storm drain to cross to other side of highway! Look at all these babies!!! Happening all over town right now!🤩😍🥰💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
He is so dashing & noble. He really cares to pick put HIS most prized toys as "deposits" to borrow some lesser toy from Doris. She is such a little bitch! Truly!
Odin hasn't figured out that his plan of leaving a toy in Doris's coffers then choosing one of hers is NOT a viable agreement with Doris.