
I will say this- As a D- I am proud that we have a deep BENCH of leadership. We're healthy with great leaders ready at every level and popular progressive policies. At the head of that bench is VP Harris.
Preach, Lisa! You’re 💯 right If we can hold on in November, we have some heavy hitters in the bullpen warming up for endless Grand Slams. Top priority is hardening guard rails and fixing SCOTUS
You got it, Babe! Loved POTUS 🔥 speech today! Scranton Fighting Joe is OUT & these "unnamed sources"...& aggrieved named ones- are hardly party stalwarts. Hell -they aren't even Anywhere near Bernie's standing & he isn't even tech a D!🙄 America elected Joe knowing heis age. VP Harris there
I have done JOEVEMBER tees if you want any
there are stickers there too
Deep bench, indeed. I am not sure that applies to VP Harris as presidential. And, an open convention could lead to a 1924 situation, where Dem disarray led to Cooledge. no matter what I will vote blue all the way down the ticket.
It certainly does apply to VP Harris. Don't understand why people giving her Hil dismissive treatment But it is wrong.
Not meant to be dismissive. Simply not hyperbolic.
A BROKEN convention would be . 1968 Chicago- which gifted us Nixon. Not going to happen
I was there for Chicago. My first election. I learned the that anything can happen. So…