
Beenie... Fetterman, Warnock have given Joe support. More importantly- the delegates have, too
Joe's done a great job as president. He has every right to another term. Democracy in the US, the US constitution and freedom and security across the world is in jeopardy. Trump is THE risk. Biden's completely justified desire to keep doing great work is understood. But he's a target in a duck shoot
Exactly on target. The noise needs to stop and the work get ON
Sanders and Warnock have meaning to me. I've lost all interest in Fetterman.
In my estimation, Fetterman went totally Sinema.
Why do u say that? He has done ZERO to please K street. Just his job
He has done nothing but his job. I respectfully disagree
I respectfully disagree with you, Lisa. He was elected to represent people - he has demurred from that, and while he has indeed supported Biden, I submit to you that is not his job; his job is to represent the people who got him into office.
Disavowed being a Progressive (when he was totally backed by them for office and wouldn't have made it without them), wrapped himself in a flag and doubled down on backing A.I.P.A.C.; has taken up punching left every chance he gets... sounding familiar?
That's pretty much my reaction when I saw his heel-face turn. He morphed from a family man with a decent record into, well, what he is now. No thank you.
Dr Fetterman's Monster Is the proper name.
Sanders & Warnock have been solid Biden all the way.
Biden is the head of the party. If he says he's not dropping out they should all support him. + it's a bit late for bank rolling a campaign & nobody is polling as high as Biden & no campaign has ever been successful starting this late. It's a rw psyop start to finish & too many are falling for it.
Easiest way out would be Biden /Harris trade positions Biden keeps his 240 million dollars war chest and Harris preps for 2028
I thought I saw Fetterman bitching about him after the debate