Little Werewomen

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Little Werewomen

In the æther, a voice tells tales of a past that never was;
Of Men & Wolves, of Love & War;
We howl into the æther, we sing out;
The Legends of Little Werewomen
"What's it called?" asked the Werewoman. "An apple, the forbidden fruit," said the Serpent. "Try it!" "Ew, fruit. No thanks." "Damn," said the serpent. "Can I tempt you another way?" "I'm kinda hungry. And I could use a new belt..." The Serpent was delicious. And just the right size.
It was a risky thing to do, but he had proof. His damning evidence was a bloodstained note in Wayne's own hand, filled with profanities and ending in one line that sealed Wayne's fate: "You and your dogs go and die at Yorktown so that real men may live."
"We will be pleasant monsters for them - or we will be dead."
"The Beast who stalked the slums of Paris did more to delay the overthrow of the aristocracy than all the ranks of the secret police combined... By turning the fury of the human masses on fake monsters in the shadows rather than real ones in silk and lace..."
She carried a fragment of her grandmother's red cloak with her. Something flowed out of the ancient scrap of fabric, a power that carried her grandmother's presence, whispering that no matter what foe or tragedy forced her to her knees, she would always find the strength to rise.
"Run!" Her shouts woke him up. Now he smelled the soldiers and their torches. "Run, you fool!" she cried. "They've found you! Go, I'll take care of them." "No," he said. "It will be a slaughter." "So?" Her limbs shook and her teeth grew long and sharp. "Better them than us..."
"Run!" Her shouts woke him up. Now he smelled the soldiers and their torches. "Run, you fool!" she cried. "They've found you! Go, I'll take care of them." "No," he said. "It will be a slaughter." "So?" Her limbs shook and her teeth grew long and sharp. "Better them than us..."
Was this how humans felt all the time, he wondered? Did they understand what a gift it was to be able to walk down the street in their own skin, unafraid?
Plate 34. "Its eyes... are a terrible, rageful red, harsh and resentful of all that walks, crawls, flies, or swims on the surface of our world." From: Lambreth's Photographic Atlas of Werwolf Metamorphosis
It stank of burning tin, ozone, and the sweet putrescence of rotting flesh. I expected it to roar, to shatter my eardrums with its rage... but the nightmare jaws parted and all that escaped was a hiss, like steam leaking from an old pipe.
The struggle to give Lupines students classroom access was a bitter one. Opponents of co-species education were not above resorting to crude, but effective propaganda, such as this cartoon, which appeared in the Herald-Times and a dozen other newspapers.
Officer Albius says... "Smart cubs always remember these important Halloween safety tips!"
Fact: Deaths due to beheading, silver bullets, and angry, torch-wielding mobs are five times more likely if one or more human children are present in a forest. So be smart this Halloween! Whether you are tending to a sacred grove or worshiping Mother Luna: BEWARE of CHILDREN!
Long after the war ended, echoes of the deadly combat between Wolf Soldier and sharpshooter could still be found, sometimes in the most unlikely places...
Instead of the icy crags and sharp ravines he had expected to find, a beautiful valley opened before him. As he stood on the precipice, a soft wave of sound wafted up from far below. It was the sweet sussuration a warm, sylvan spring, bathed in Mother Luna's loving light.
The savage appetites of the Doral sisters knew no bounds. "Guess who I'm wearing!" said Dina. "Sorry, I don't follow fashion," I replied. "I'm afraid I don't know any of designers or labels." "Silly, she doesn't mean the label," giggled Dee. "Just the skin. See if you can figure out who it was!"
"Don't the humans know what they have brought on their ships?" asked Pvarth. "Their own devastation trails them like a shadow. Why can't they see it? Are they under a spell?" Ivoq snarled her reply: "It's far worse than spells. It is willful ignorance, they are blind by choice."
"My, you werewolves certainly have some skill at the forge!" Washington shouted over the din. "I've heard that the steel you make is better even than the best cast by the Royal Armory. Is that so?" "No," said Gorgristram. "No?" "It's better than any steel, anywhere in all the world. Look..."
"Mother Luna sent me to bring you a message to-" "Are you a dream?" asked Ophar. "What? No, I'm a messenger sent by-" "Are you made of moonbeams?" "No, I'm flesh and blood," the swan said. "Now, listen-" "I really like swan," Ophar said. "You mean you like swans?" "Sure. So how much do you weigh?"
I was baffled. Human eyes couldn't have seen me in the shadows and I knew I'd been perfectly silent, yet still he had sensed my presence. How? When he turned and I caught a glimpse of those searching eyes, that was when I realized there was nothing human about them.
It's taken me a bit to write this but I just have to say has some amazing writings! You really need to check out ! The story, the art and just how everything is put together, makes it a must have! Perfect for Halloween!!
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