
Pspspsps... Want to be released from the shackles of drawing in Adobe PS? CLIP STUDIO is ON SALE!!
One of CSP's best features is its assets store! Free and paid asset and tools made by the users, professionals, and the Celsys team. Know what's also great? Integrated 3D figures and primitive shapes! Building your scene and pose your characters as you imagined~
- You can import your PS brushes. - CSP has an "Batch process" and "Auto Action" panel - RULERS for the EVERYTHING. PS never had a great perspective rules. CSP's are incredibly POWERFUL. Curves, symmetry, 1- 2- 3-pt perspective, FISH EYE. It can do it.
I actually took this advice so thanks for the heads up.
Do you know when the next sale will be? I just missed it by a few days 😩
I can't say exactly when, but it goes on sale pretty frequently! It might go on sale next week for 4th of July here in the US or at the end of July/Aug for students going back to school, and of course the holidays after. Definitely keep an eye out!