
Solving economic inequality does nothing to solve systemic bigotry. That is something Bernie Sanders and his followers have never understood.
It is not about understanding, it is about disagreeing. Both reducing economic inequality and many of the tools these movements have advocated for using would likely do a great deal to reduce systemic bigotry. It would not "solve" it, but neither would any of the non-econmic solutions put forward.
History makes it very clear that, if anything, better wages, incomes, and jobs for non-dominant classes by itself only enrages the dominant class. Just look at how years of gains for women, non-whites, and the LGBT+ community, coupled with a successful black President, led to the current backlash.
So your program for solving racial inequality will not lead to a reduction in the racial income and wealth gap? Great plan.
I'm not a politician, so I have no idea why you think I have a plan. I'm pointing out that the sainted one of Burlington never even addressed this. Why does this upset you?