
Sam Haney Press
Sam Haney Press
Queer, arty, secretary for ASFA, Midwest conrunner, FLGS worker, proud CWA member, happily married. 🚫 NFTs or genAI.

Gallery and shop:
GM of Pod Against the Machine.
Writer of stories, teller of tales, Luddite, possible hivemind.
In a Daze
In a Daze
I'm just a girl, standing in front of the internets.

Writer, academic, that leftist BIPOC auntie, she/her

Free Palestine. 🍉 ✊🏽
Children’s Author of the Paper Dog Bob series, The Periodicals & Tales from the Toy Store.
Michael Stokes
Michael Stokes
Screenwriter. Horror. Thrillers. Paw Patrol.
Franklyn S. Newton 🌌 Synthetic Sea out now ✨
Franklyn S. Newton 🌌 Synthetic Sea out now ✨
(They/She) enby SFF Author and spreadsheet herder. Find my stuff in Miniskirt Magazine, and ebook stores. Queer Cyberpunk novel, Synthetic Sea available everywhere;

🌌@franklyn_newt elsewhere 🌌
D is tired, but there is coffee
She/her fat, black queer, disabled femme I try to be kind. 
Henry Neilsen (He/Him)
Henry Neilsen (He/Him)
Sci-fi and Speculative author and writer of essays about extremely nerdy stuff. Anti genAI, pro humanity. Lefty. Environmental designer by day.

All my stuff:

L. Wednesday
L. Wednesday
Jersey girl. Amateur linguist. Student of history. Musicals & romance novels. Former theatre kid. Insufferable pedant. Mediocre karaoke singer. Order Muppet. Mom. Fanilton. 3rd-gen Girl Scout Leader. Still learning. (She/Her)
Rusty Hodge
Rusty Hodge
SomaFM boss
Eóin Dooley
Eóin Dooley
Lapsed cognitive scientist turned writer. Words in Red Futures, Solar Press, Elegant Literature, and elsewhere. Urban fantasy novella No Sympathy coming out September 17th with Android Press. Website here: He / him.
La Scienziata
La Scienziata
veilguard brainrot
Steady Gabe
Steady Gabe
Cynical optimist 🕊️
Lifelong Razorback fan 🐗

Kathryn Jepsen
Kathryn Jepsen
Science writer and editor; EFA, Club Ed, URMA, NASW; she/her
Anthony Frost
Anthony Frost
Jonathan Gensler
Jonathan Gensler
Non-award winning Writer/Macabrist/Halloween Person of a bunch of dark stuff you probably haven't read. Yet. (wink wink) he/him. Here for the ibjulz, should they ever arrive. Apex Mag first reader.
Justin Peck
Justin Peck
Curiosity. Wonder. Kindness. Gratitude. Joy.
Duluth, MN
Steve C
Steve C
Dad, husband, runner, cyclist, software developer.

Long-term career goal: retire and do more fun stuff while I still can.
Jan Karlsson
Jan Karlsson
Watty Award winner 2021, 5x shortlisted. 2x Ambys Award winner 2024. 3x ONC Award shortlisted. Writer (🤔).
Jason W. Ellis
Jason W. Ellis
I'm an Associate Professor of English at the New York City College of Technology, CUNY. I help coordinate the City Tech Science Fiction Collection and I recently published an OER titled Yet Another Science Fiction Textbook
Flowering Quince
Flowering Quince
Bookish, treeish, peripatetic, frequently salt water adjacent.
Reactor (formerly
Reactor (formerly
Science fiction. Fantasy. The universe. And related subjects. You may have known us formerly as
Jerald Mathieus A.K.A. King Know-Nothing
Jerald Mathieus A.K.A. King Know-Nothing
Writer - Game Master - Level Design Enthusiast - Pretentious Film Buff - Retro Gaming Obsessed.

I block terfs. 31. He/Him.
Bill Schafer
Bill Schafer
I am my cats' minion.
I read a lot, I write a lot
E. E. Lucek
E. E. Lucek
Writer of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Supporter of libraries. Owned by a cat.
Annie Fox
Annie Fox
My debut YA novel “The Little Things That Kill: A Teen Friendship Afterlife Apology Tour” available in #KU, ebook, print, & audiobook.

#Writer #YAauthor #KidLit #kidlitart #SCBWI. Helping kids develop compassion & resilience.
Nix Kelley (they/them)
Nix Kelley (they/them)
mostly shitposts here, slightly more serious at @[email protected]. for actual better content, go to if you must

they/them, neurospicy, queer, chronically ill as well as extremely interesting
ANTIFA; FCSP; SF; Tits, Sparrows and other Birds; Hot Food (he/him)
Amanda W. Stone
Amanda W. Stone
SFFH writer, sci-fi geek, web developer. She/her. 🏳️‍🌈
Kathryn Glenn
Kathryn Glenn
A not-so-omniscient storyteller.
They call authors omnipotent, my characters beg to differ
Valerie Kemp
Valerie Kemp
Recovering academic, current genetic genealogist. I write speculative fiction for all ages. Stories in Haven Spec, Apex, Cast of Wonders, Voyage YA and more! Viable Paradise 2022 alum
Michael Romano
Michael Romano
Writer of speculative fiction.
D. G. Bull
D. G. Bull
Definitely not a machine pretending to be human. Just a totally normal flesh and blood organism. For reals, just trust me.
Jennifer Pullen
Jennifer Pullen
Writer, scholar, teacher, feminist, environmentalist, nerd. PhD (Ohio University). Associate Professor of Creative Writing at ONU. Author of: Writing Fantasy Fiction from Bloomsbury & A Bead of Amber on Her Tongue from Omnidawn. Talks to cats & trees.
Jessica V Aragon
Jessica V Aragon
Space Opera/Fantasy/Horror author. EMT. Cat/Owl person. UFO enthusiast. Unlikable character defense squad. any pronouns 🏳️‍🌈