
Does not get enough attention at all that Alito was almost certainly the 4th vote to hear Trump's "Absolute Immunity" farce and singlehandedly delayed or destroyed the best chance to hold Trump accountable for the coup the Alitos obviously supported.
I remain the (apparently minority view) that that Supreme Court hearing on "absolute immunity" was one of the most disturbing events of my lifetime, up there with January 6th.
Introduction - Things look bleak for the home If there is an exact date when Americans should have known their democracy was doomed, it could be April 25, 2024. That’s when the Supreme Court entertained ...
I agree 100%. We rejected having a monarch so our highest office could be held accountable. They want to do away with that and adopt oligarchy, which is just another word for feudalism. Keep the 95% ignorant and poor. 🤬🤬
She has a point. She's a Christian and Jesus famously commanded us to hate and condemn our neighbor