
This is closer to a Brexit vote than a presidential election but what we'd be exiting from is democracy
In short: You should have tried to beat him in a primary. You didn't and couldn't for the same reasons demanding the ticket be blown up now is a bad idea. We only have bad ideas now. But disconnecting them from the stakes is just weaponized bad faith.
i'm not american but it seems to me that there is some contradiction between this is the most important election and let's nominate an obviousy flawed candidate
Primaries exist you know. And every candidate becomes "flawed" once the concern troll mud machinery starts spinning.
it's a bad analogy but in my country viktor orbáns ascendence was enormously helped by that ferenc gyurcsány refused to step away for years (he did stepped down eventually). we had our own jan 6th even when right wing rioters stormed and occupied the public televisions building
I didn't know this behind the scenes tidbit Also jesus christ, I just realized you have like the worst electoral law of the entire fucking continent. That has really screwed you over royally. The coalition that won 44 or 52 percent of votes got 67% of seats? Pretty much already a dictatorship.
yep. viktor orbán made a two party electoral system while the opposition is fractured.
tbf the ‘remain’ campaign was a total farce from start to finish.
It's far worse considering the brexit referendum was at least "democratic" (if completely misplaced and misinterpreted) While the presidential elections will only depend on who can win the most whims of a few counties in a small number of states.