
I want to explain how Project 2025 is essential to the Trump campaign and the only way to understand it. But first, let's do something the press refuses to do in 2024: Take Trump's threats seriously. Think about the core message of his first post-1/6 rally, delivered deliberately in Waco, Texas.
The war on the Deep State became Project Find out more:
There's a simple reason Trump, Miller, and MAGA have decided that they need to disavow Project 2025 immediately. Plausible deniability. Swing voters hate Trump, hate his policies, and hate Project 2025. But they remember how bad he was at the job. They get that the wall was just schtick.
"Freedom at last" with Anat Shenker-Osorio | the earlyworm Get more from the earlyworm society on Patreon
With Trump off Twitter and speaking just to his most diehard fans by tin can and Truth Social, most people have no idea or have blocked out what a--pardon my English--bloody maniac he is. They don't get that he will replace the government with, essentially, Proud Boy suck-ups who learned to blog.
“Explaining Project 2025” with Don Moynihan | the earlyworm Get more from the earlyworm society on Patreon
Those not suffering from male pattern MAGA brain have no idea how core the "deep state" conspiracy theory is core to Trump's revenge fantasies. It's the defining myth. The redemption arc of Trump's hero's journey and a constant explanation for why he always fails & has to fire dudes he once trusted.
3| TAPPED (into narcissism) | Ball of Get more from Ball of Thread on Patreon
If Project 2025 were just the Trump Bible version of the GOP platform, that would be bad enough. But it also includes the answer for why Trump will be a dictator this time: He's going to replace the government with book-banning MAGA swingers who sleep with their AR-15s and framed Rothbard photos.
Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) John Oliver discusses Donald Trump’s plans for a second term, why it could be much worse than his first term, and what Trump has in common with a hamster. Co...
That's why if we're talking about Project 2025 at all, how it enacts Christofascism and attempts to replace the haphazard evil of Trump's first term with ruthless efficiency, it's terrible for Trump. It's debating how much of a crook Nixon is. It makes this election a choice of two futures.
Decoding Project 2025's Christo-fascist And what it means for YOU (Scroll to the end to listen)
That's why I come back to this quote, which was included in both of the podcasts I worked on that came out yesterday. Because when you listen to his quote and think about Project 2025, it stops feeling like a bad joke and comes into focus as what it is: An assassination threat against democracy.
The war on the Deep State became Project Find out more:
After running against a fictional deep state they have a plan to create a real one.
I'm reading "It Can't Happen Here" again, after reading it back in high school. It's so frighteningly similar to America in 2024, as though McEntee and Miller used it as a playbook.