
literally everybody was like “Ian, WTF? You’re always the person who harasses everyone else about wearing sunscreen” and that’s true and I had put it on 3 TIMES, so here’s some things I learned: - not all shade tents block UV - if it’s raining on and off, it will wash your sunscreen off every time
a week after getting the worst sunburn I’ve ever gotten in my entire life, it’s peeling and blistering and it’s nasty as fuck. my skin will go back to normal, right? right?
This is why I've mostly switched to wearing UPF clothing rather than high SPF sunscreen. It's way more reliable. The biggest issue is that covering up in super hot weather can be a bit sweltering
No judgement here, I just visited family and was adamant about sunscreen every day - and then got my shoulders fried yesterday during a cloudy day ;_; That sun can be sneaky
at the tc pride parade i put sunscreen on like 4 times, used up half a bottle and i still roasted. it's time for everyone to start using parasols i think
keep drinking that water too bb! i too had a lapse in prudent Sun protocol this summer, it happens — can put aloe in the fridge for extra cool relief ☀️
After sunburns a few days in a row we realized the sunscreen we were using was defective. Switched to a new bottle and no more burns :(
I started wearing sunshirts WITH sunscreen to be extra careful. I don't burn super easy, but skin cancer has been pretty common in my fam and I'm trying my damndest to avoid it.
Banana Boat After Sun Lotion is your friend, helps w/peeling. I've also found Sun Bum SPF 50 mineral to be much more water resistant than others. Tea Tree oil also helps but it will sting a little, mix with aloe gel. I have only had little stripes of sunburn for decades (cancer scare) but it sux!
I've taken to just always using a parasol in the sun because of the number of times I'd get random burns from sunscreen rubbing or washing off
Sorry about your burn, that sounds awful 😞
Also, some of us just burn easily and should avoid sun altogether 🤷🏻‍♂️
Literally I was trying, hence the thing about the shade tents