
a week after getting the worst sunburn I’ve ever gotten in my entire life, it’s peeling and blistering and it’s nasty as fuck. my skin will go back to normal, right? right?
Sort of. It will age rapidly in the affected area.
If it's your first really bad sunburn, just keep an eye on it in the long term for any dark spots that have an uneven outline. Those could be melanoma, which is extremely aggressive and needs immediate medical attention.
First exposure, it will lose some elasticity, it might feel a bit tighter than it did. Second exposure, the texture may change a little. With repeated exposure, your skin will tend towards a leathery, tough texture that is darker in complexion and may have spots larger than regular freckles.
is “exposure” here like sunburn or literally every time you get exposed to the sun
Everything in degrees. A little daily sun exposure will age your skin more rapidly unless you wear sufficient sunscreen. A severe sunburn can cause dangerous cancer, but daily sunlight is unlikely to do that. The worse the burn or greater the tan, the worse the consequence.