Lord Byron Bunch

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Lord Byron Bunch


Worked a whole day just to dance a minute at Dreamland | Perpendicular, hanging on a cable car | Are we getting into botany, Doctor? Are we flowers?
Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by the urge to google "Rossano Brazzi speedo," for reasons I'm still too young to explain to myself, let alone to my mom when she walks in on me. #TCMParty #SouthPacific
I love this picture of Kay Francis, taken Christmas Day, 1962, shortly before the onset of illnesses that would end her life in 1968. She's happy, has friends who love her, and is as stylish as ever. Imagine the care she put into choosing that seasonal ensemble, incl. the nail polish. #TCMParty
Henry's Diner, Brentwood, NJ. Five stars. Come for the chicken croquettes; stay for the flattering lighting. #TCMParty #TheKillers
A story as old as time. Vet's office: Please bring in a stool sample taken within the last 24 hours. Dog: My sphincter is closed for business until further notice. What do you think I am, a Play-Doh Fun Factory?
Oh, come on! These are the standard-issue sunglasses my grandma had to wear when driving her Plymouth Valiant in daylight after having her cataracts removed. #TCMParty
Anyone have a good flow chart explaining the threshold issues that must now be litigated in order to criminally prosecute a former POTUS? E.g.: 1) Official act/core function? (Absolute immunity.) 2) Official act/not core function? (Presumed immunity.) A. Prosecution interferes with... Etc.
A question that's haunted me for over 40 years: How does Michael Dorsey cash Dorothy Michaels's paychecks? #TCMParty
A farm girl who's primarily attracted to women travels with her family to the state fair, where she meets and enters into a lavender marriage with the openly gay chief costume designer for a major Hollywood studio. #StateFair #TCMParty
Thinking a lot about Jamal Khashoggi tonight.
Breaking news: Julian Assange, the founder of the anti-secrecy site WikiLeaks, has reached a tentative deal to plead guilty to violating the Espionage Act for his role in obtaining and publishing classified documents in 2010, according to a court filing.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange expected to plead guilty to felony chargewapo.st A new court filing in a remote U.S. jurisdiction indicates Julian Assange is preparing to plead guilty to a single felony count of violating the Espionage Act.
I once watched an Oscars telecast with Charles Lindbergh's granddaughter. Her cross-country flight had been grounded in Chicago due to inclement weather, so she chose to stay the night at my (mutual) friends' home. My eyebrows SCREAMED "Oh, the irony!" when she walked through the door. #TCMParty
Sometimes I miss the theme rooms at Steamworks. #TCMParty #BloodAndSand
Martha-Ann Alito stares across the lagoon at the Pride flag.
Ruth does the math and realizes that if Steve's been in prison since the age of 13, she is in all likelihood the first woman he ever had sex with. "If you'd only told me, I'd've been gentler!" #TCMParty #NoirParty
"You worked a whole day just to dance a minute at Dreamland." #TCMParty #NoirAlley #GoodWriting
Something I learned during my visit to the health clinic today: "I have a 9:15 phlebotomy appointment" sounds an awful lot like "I have a 9:15 lobotomy appointment" if you say it quickly.
Lordy, Brenda Marshall was a very, VERY pretty girl. Yet, on screen, she didn't quite possess the quality that Elinor Glyn's sister would call "It." And I've always gotten the sense that Brenda (who preferred to be called by her real name, Ardis) couldn't care less. #TCMParty #CaptainsOfTheClouds
Me, poised in the entryway to my DMs, awaiting my first gentleman caller. If you look closely, you'll see that the tendrils of my cigarette smoke spell out "No Muff Too Tuff" in Latin.
That time when Linda Lavin pegged Kermit the Frog and an entire nation of traumatized witnesses tacitly agreed to pretend they never saw it happen... #TCMParty #TheMuppetsTakeManhattan
Louis B. Mayer: "I don't give a fuck whether it's 'organic to the plot.' GIVE ME HARLOW ON ICE!" #TCMParty #WifeVsSecretary
Who's a good boy?! My dog encountered his first Cybertruck this evening, whereupon he promptly squatted and took a shit. (I resisted the urge.)
"There hasn't been a mistake here in a thousand years." Oh, yeah? Then what do you call that hairdo? #TCMParty
Such a beautifully done shot, Mr. DeMille. #TCMParty #TheCheat