
Meanwhile, KOSA is getting marked up tomorrow, like no big deal.
Today’s story detailing the exposure of administrative credentials to a major social media age verification platform, potentially allowing hackers to access sensitive data such as driver’s license images, is just more evidence that age verification bills like KOSA are dangerous.
ID Verification Service for TikTok, Uber, X Exposed Driver As social networks and porn sites move towards a verified identity model, the actions of one cybersecurity researcher show that ID verification services themselves could get hacked too.
A recent RawStory article had Ron Wyden say he and Schumer have a new version of the text that addresses a lot of the criticisms people had toward the bill but I don't know if it's been publicly released anywhere.
Yeah. I'm aware of it. I think the Raw Story oversold things a bit, but I think the details suggest an improvement, but not a fix at all. KOSA is still bad.
Oh sure. You can't build a good house on bad foundations
Plus I’m betting the usual “think of the children” groups like FairPlay, NCOSE and ParentsSOS along with Blumenthal are going to throw a nasty fit if Duty of Care and other nasty bits of KOSA are modified/removed.
Here's the article if you want to read it. It's not as clear as I'd like about what the changes are