
Did I ever tell you all about the time someone introduced me, at a large event, with erroneous info because they had “asked” ChatGPT for my bio?
Friends don't let friends use AI as a reference book.
This person also “asked ChatGPT” if another writer on the panel went by her middle name or her first initial plus middle name,” instead of just… asking her
The other writer didn’t make it to the panel, unfortunately, but this person also mistook me for her (we are both Chinese American women)—even after I’d introduced myself—so it was *kind of* like she was there anyway
This gets worse and worse
I know, it was mortifying and I didn’t even DO anything
So you went through the entire panel with everyone under the assumption that you were somebody else? I don’t blame you for being too stunned to correct her but she should be so embarrassed.
Nonono, when I realized this person’s error (right before the panel) I corrected her, which was horribly embarrassing for both of us! I did have a fleeting thought that maybe I could just not say anything but then I realized that I couldn’t do the panel if she thought I was the other writer!
(I meant I was embarrassed even though I wasn’t the one who made the mistake)
Oh whew! I’m glad you got to do your panel under your own name!
But really, you can kind of assume that it would from the beginning.