

Long-time writer and author wannabe.
Former teacher.
Buckeye (Kaptur, not Jordan.)
Trying to learn to do better.
I am thinking of buying a small chain saw and a power washer. Oh, and a belt sander. I worry l am going to buy them and then just use them once. Don't suggest rent, because l do things slowly and will end up spending about the same $$ if l rent. Any recommendations? I'm a little nervous.
Pine Knob tonight. Hope the weather doesn't interfere with JT. Think good thoughts...
My profound thought for the day: Hockey brackets are impossible.
I am clearly not hip. Except for the current issue, l can read through People Magazine in about 10 minutes and go on to the crossword because l do not know who about 80% of these people are. Byw, it was a gift subscription; l didn't willingly buy it.
Just an fyi, l'm gonna like almost any post with a cat or dog or bird or....any animal acting cute, so bring it on!
This is one of last year's hydrangeas. It survived the mower and dog zooms and I think its lacy decay is beautiful.
End of feed.